Sdílení adresářů a jednotek s pomocí Samby



Samba je protokol používaný v různých operačních systémech ke sdílení některých zdrojů, jako adresáře nebo tiskárny. Tento nástroj umožňuje nastavit stroj jako Samba server pomocí protokolu SMB/CIFS. Tento protokol se používá také v systému Windows(R) a na pracovních stanic s tímto operačním systémem lze přistupovat k prostředkům na Samba serveru.


To be accessed from other workstations, the server has to have a fixed IP address. This can be specified directly on the server, for example with , or at the DHCP server which identifies the station with its MAC-address and give it always the same address. The firewall has also to allow the incoming requests to the Samba server.

Wizard - Standalone server

At the first run, the tools [36] checks if needed packages are installed and proposes to install them if they are not yet present. Then the wizard to configure the Samba server is launched.

In the next window the Standalone server configuration option is already selected.

Then specify the name of the workgroup. This name should be the same for the access to the shared resources.

The netbios name is the name which will be used to designate the server on the network.

Choose the security mode:

  • user: the client must be authorized to access the resource

  • share: the client authenticates itself separately for each share

You can specify which hosts are allowed to access the resources, with IP address or host name.

Specify the server banner. The banner is the way this server will be described in the Windows workstations.

The place where Samba can log information can be specified at the next step.

The wizard displays a list of the chosen parameters before you accept the configuration. When accepted, the configuration will be written in /etc/samba/smb.conf.

Wizard - Primary domain controller

If the "Primary domain controller" option is selected, the wizard asks for indication if Wins is to support or not and to provide admin users names. The following steps are then the same as for standalone server, except you can choose also the security mode:

  • domain: provides a mechanism for storing all user and group accounts in a central, shared, account repository. The centralized account repository is shared between (security) controllers.

Declare a directory to share

With the Add button, we get:

A new entry is thus added. It can be modified with the Modify button. Options can be edited, such as whether the directory is visible to the public, writable or browseable. The share name can not be modified.

Menu entries

When the list has at least one entry, menu entries can be used.

File|Write conf. Save the current configuration in /etc/samba/smb.conf.

Samba server|Configure. The wizard can be run again with this command.

Samba server|Restart. The server is stopped and restarted with the current configuration files.

Samba Server|Reload. The configuration displayed is reloaded from the current configuration files.

Printers share

Samba also allows you to share printers.

Samba users

In this tab, you can add users who are allowed to access the shared resources when authentication is required. You can add users from

[36] You can start this tool from the command line, by typing draksambashare as root.

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Uploaded on 14/07/2017